Trailborn Hotels
Framing Epic America
Trailborn Hotels passionately rooted in a modern American spirit. Where awe-inspiring nature meets small town charm. Where a collective pride is built from the bottom up and where stories are passed down. And where a little grit and some patina help the true magic shine through. With a desire to seek out real America, we built a brand to encourage a close relationship with nature and the unexpected. The icon resembles a trail marker made from “T” and “X”. The mark, symbolizing the arrival at a destination off the beaten path. This was paired with a bold typographic system used to frame these epic American landscapes and experience, reinforcing their beauty like a natural work of art. The location and personality of each hotel is reflected in the unique typography styling, giving every location a slight ownable visual cue.
- Visual Identity
- Brand Guidelines
- Brand Collateral
- Art Direction